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Hi, I'm Amber. Strategic copywriter. I help iconic and up-and-coming brands connect with purpose

Scroll on for the good stuff.


How can I help? Strategic copywriting--the kind that changes how people see your brand. Brand strategy--your purpose and the foundation determining how your brand shows up in the world. Brand voice creation and evolution--the ways your brand communicates, including tone and core messaging.


What form does my work take? I can tackle any medium or context, but examples include brand platforms and positioning, naming and taglines, brand narratives to rally internal teams or external audiences, concepts and messaging for breakthrough brand campaigns, copy and content for new websites, and messaging matrices that equip you with copy assets and talking points to use everywhere and anywhere your brand wants to be.


Why me? Consumers increasingly choose brands based on the stands they take, the values they embody, and the way they make people feel (psssst--inclusion is in). Copy is nothing without a strategic underpinning that gives it meaning and connection to something greater--that happens to be my specialty. 

Let's collaborate.
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